7 Common Mistakes People Make When Hanging Art

There’s more to displaying art than simply fixing it to your wall.

In fact, if you want to get the most out of your artistic gems, you’ve gotta think about a whole range of factors when decorating. 

From positioning, sizing, to how it fits with the rest of your room – there’s a lot that can go wrong.

But never fear, cos we at NicheCanvas are here to walk you through some of the most common mistakes we see people making.

Read on to protect yourself against making these blunders...

1. Trying To Fill Up Every Wall In The House 

We get it. For art lovers, restricting yourself to just a few pieces can seem impossible.

But it's quality, not quantity, that creates amazing spaces.

Don’t drown your room in painting upon painting. Instead, be selective with your choices.

More art doesn’t automatically mean more beauty.

2. Keeping Art Too High

Unless you’re trying to cater to the extremely tall, hanging your art in the lofty reaches of your walls is a big no-no.

This is one of the most common mistakes we see, but thankfully it’s easy to fix.

If you’re looking for a simple way to give your décor a boost, take a walk through your home and evaluate your art's positioning.

3. Your Art Is Too Samey 

It’s your home, so you’ve got the freedom to go wild – use it!

What we’re saying is, don’t stick to one style of art and let your home décor become boring.

Mix it up. Swap out framed art for canvases, tapestries, quilts, or whatever weird and wonderful ornaments deserve to adorn your wall.

4. Messy Wall Collages 

Face it, no one can just freestyle a wall collage and have it come out looking perfect - unless they’re extremely lucky.

Creating a great wall collage takes some planning.

Before you start boring holes in your walls, make sure you know how your collage is likely to take shape, then you can give yourself the best chance of success.

5. Using The Wrong Sizes 

There are few things more jarring for an interior designer than seeing a wall hanging that very clearly doesn’t match the size of the room.

Going too big or too small in a room that cries out for something different is common, but it’s easily fixed. 

For example, when something’s too small, you can remedy it by reframing with a larger mat or thicker frame.

6. Matching Everything

Clever home design isn’t all about uniformity. In fact, sometimes the best homes are those that surprise you at every turn.

Don’t confine yourself to perfectly matching colors. You should experiment with your palette and let your pieces stand out. 

7. Not hanging them properly. 

This one is simple – but you’d be surprised how common it is! Hang your art properly.

You want your pictures securely fixed so that they aren’t constantly being knocked off-kilter every time a strong breeze blows through the door.

And that's it!

We hope you enjoyed the tips and will avoid falling into these deadly decoration disasters – your home (and guests) will thank you for it!